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Bench Top Storage
Containers for bench top storage incorporating all around, encased, lead shielding. Encasement allows for easy decontamination. Simple features such as lift off lids, bayonet style lids allow for a most cost effective container.
Vial Caddy - Dispensing
A vial transporter for easy and safe movement of a single vial of radioactive material...
Syringe Shield - Size 2
A stainless steel pig to house an individual dose of radioactive material.
Vial Caddy
A vial transporter for easy and safe movement of a single vial of radioactive material...
Syringe Shield
A stainless steel pig to house an individual dose of radioactive material.
Vial Storage Pot - 20ml
Fully encased lead shielding with removable lid.
Vial Storage Pot - 30ml
Fully encased lead shielding with removable lid.
Syringe Carrier - Standard size
A shielded syringe carrier manufactured from aluminium.