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Transport Containers
Due to the varying nature of work with Radioactive material a variety of transport containers are offered by Radi-tech. This allows a compromise between radiation shielding material and weight to be achieved for the specific isotope and contents to be transported. Moreover the varying package models allow for the contents to be loaded in a syringe (of varying sizes), a vial or a different form giving a higher level of radiation shielding efficiency.
The different models of package are to be created, all similar in construction but with the inclusion of a unique inner allowing for different functionality. This allows the same package to be reconfigured by the end user as required. Installing a different foam inner allows for the same container to be used for different contents.
For each of the options we can provide the different thickness of lead. For each item the product code is shown, for example SYC101, the thickness of lead for the model is shown by the number following the hyphen, SYC101 - 03 denotes 3mm for example.
Vial Caddy
A vial transporter for easy and safe movement of a single vial of radioactive material...
Large Cavity - Multi-use
A transport container for easy and safe movement of multiple units of radioactive...
The Type A Transport Container for Large Cavity container size 2 is constructed from an...
The Type A Transport Container for Large Cavity container is constructed from an...
Large Cavity - Multi-Dose
A transport container for easy and safe movement of multiple units of radioactive...
Vial Caddy - Size 2
A vial transporter for easy and safe movement of a single vial of radioactive material...
The Type A Transport Container for Vial Caddy is constructed from an Aluminium Outer...
Syringe Shield - Size 2
A stainless steel pig to house an individual dose of radioactive material.
The Type A Transport Container [SYCAD] is constructed from an Aluminium Outer shell and...
The Type A Transport Container for Vial Caddy is constructed from an Aluminium Outer...