Radiation Shielding and Integration
To ensure the completed solution is workable the setup must allow the work to be conducted efficiently, the radiation shielding must effective and be able to provide the highest hygiene levels.
Working with our supplier Bassaire, Raditech have constructed a custom siding to a standard air hood. The custom siding allows the radiation shielding to be incorporated into the sides of the flow cabinet. The siding also mounts directly onto the countertop with no base unit. All these features allow for a clean, join free, integrated design.
The radiation shielding integration is present in all the products supplied with no access to lead.
The final demonstration of total integration is the incorporation of a Capintec Dose Calibrator into the countertop within the working area. The wiring for the dose calibrator is chased through the cabinet beneath and under the countertop again resulting a clean appearance and allowing for a high level of productivity.
The Shielded fridge cabinet allows storage of isotopes within a standard medical fridge. The cabinet has a port in the base for power and ventilation holes for cooling.
Hygiene and surface finish
The seamless Krion worktop is fabricated off site to reduce on site installation time. Once fitted it gives a non-porous worktop that is hard wearing and refinishable should it become damaged. The worktop has ports cut into the surface to allow access to the shielded sharps bin and the dose calibrator, both located below inside the shielded cabinet.
All items are finished in either bare stainless steel or powder coated in anti-microbial paint.
Waste Handling
The secure storage and shielding of sharps and soft waste is an important aspect of a working hot lab. A large volume standard sharps bin, Daniels 7ltr, has been selected for the hot lab. A shielding container is in place within the double cupboard for housing the sharps bin. A port is installed through the countertop where sharps can be dropped through into the sharps bin. The shielded container is mounted on pull out tray where the sharps bin can be removed for replacing.
For storing soft waste, a shielded pedal bin has been provided. Stainless steel is used for all Raditech waste containers ensuring they can never rust.
Project management and time scales
In order to best meet the customer requirements, the project was allocated a tight time scale. An initial site visit to discuss requirements was conducted at the very end of March. Two months and one day later the entire project was delivered and commissioned. This was possible due to careful management of the project by Raditech at critical stages.
To allow a time sensitive design stage a CAD assembly model was issued to the client using stock products. Through this process the client’s needs were refined and, most critically, the layout of the final room was established. The products were then revised as required, resized in places to better utilise the space available in the room and also to match other manufactured equipment such as the fridge.